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The whole article is based on the actual application needs, and then before the construction of the system, the relevant knowledge of the college freshman report management system and the technical application tutorials provided by the network. Starting from the practical application needs of the college freshman report management, the construction of the system can improve the cumbersome work flow of the current college freshman report management. In addition, from the operator’s point of view, the structure of the system can effectively manage the college freshman report.
This system is a platform designed with the Spring Boot framework combined with the actual situation of users. It uses VUE technology to display all the interfaces available for administrators and administrators, and uses Java language technology to program and implement all kinds of operational business logic executed by users and administrators. MySQL database to access the data of the system, to the administrator role login system can be more easy and simple to complete the system internal all data information (teacher management information, student management information, student file management information, etc.) control work. B/S mode, easy to use, can give users better experience.

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